Mariposa Lions Club

Welcome to the official website for Mariposa Lions!

2025 Mariposa Lions Club celebrating the Crab Feed’s 50th year

Join Us

Join us at our meetings and events…

About Us

Our club was chartered 11/13/1940. Club #2274…

Our Projects

VFW Ladies Night Dinner Volunteers
VFW Ladies Night Dinner Volunteers
Check out our projects and events…

Member of LCI-MD4-4A1

We belong to Lions Clubs International, Multiple District Four, and District 4-A1...
“Before there were over 1.4 million Lions around the world, there was one man with a vision. He was a salesman from Chicago, Illinois, named Melvin Jones. Driven by a dynamic personality and a heart filled with kindness, he helped create a service movement over 100 years ago that’s still thriving today.” ~

Melvin Jones was a dreamer, a doer and a pragmatist. He was an energetic, extroverted salesman who in private hours would reread Shakespeare. What better man to found the world’s largest association of service clubs? ~

Become a member of the largest service organization in the world!